
REACH is the new EU chemicals legislation dealing with the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of CHemicals. REACH covers chemical substances as such, in preparations or in articles intended to be released. The regulation replaces numerous EU laws and is complementary to other environmental and safety legislation.
NCC is confident that the REACH compliance of substances we supply has been secured either by our own pre-registration activity or by our suppliers'. NCC are keen to assist our Customers with REACH Compliance and to ensure all substances NCC supplies to you will continue to be available.

NCC will be in communication with each of our customers regarding the next phase of REACH Implementation from September 2009 in preparation for the first REACH registration deadline of 1st December 2010. NCC wish to ensure your use has been identified and is covered by an Exposure Scenario and that you are advised of the appropriate Risk Management Measures.

NCC offers assistance with REACH Compliance and you are welcome to submit any questions you may have to our helpline service by e-mail to or raise them directly with our Sales Personnel who will relay your questions to our REACH team.

REACH What are the objectives?

  • Ensure a high level of protection from exposure to chemicals in order to safeguard human health and the environment
  • Provide improved risk management
  • Stimulate innovation and competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry
  • Shift responsibilities from authorities to industry

Are all substances subject to registration?

Yes, all substances above 1 tone per year. However there are exemptions from certain parts of the legislation, for example, chemicals in food and medicine are covered by other EU laws.

Who is affected?

Virtually everyone in the supply chain dealing with chemical substances will have certain obligations.

  • Manufacturers or importers of chemical substances or mixtures of chemical substances located in the EU
  • Downstream users processing chemicals, formulating preparations (mixtures) for end use or using formulated products as part of their business

What are the consequences?

'No Registration - No Market' meaning that non-registered substances and non-registered uses will become illegal!

Timeline Important REACH deadlines

June 1, 2007

Reach came into force

June 1 -Dec. 1, 2008


Jan 1, 2009

Publication of pre-registered substances by ECHA

Dec. 1, 2010

Registration deadline for substances 1.000 t pa, R5o/R53 substances 100 t pa, CMR substances of categories 1&2 1 t pa

June 1, 2013

Registration deadline for substances 100 t pa

June 1, 2018

Registration deadline for substances 1 t pa

Customer Information How does REACH affects customers?

Duties as a downstream user


  • Communicate use of substances to supplier
  • Ensure your own use is covered by the Exposure Scenario
  • Apply operational conditions and risk management measures communicated via Safety Data Sheet or carry out chemical safety assessment for any use outside the conditions described in the Safety Data Sheet
  • As a formulator of preparations (mixtures): create own Exposure Scenario
  • Communicate all Exposure Scenarios to your customers via Extended Safety Data Sheets

NCC is your partner in compliance

DOWNLOAD AREA: Helpful documents:

NCC Standard REACH Customer Information Letter Apr'08

CEFIC: Preparation letter NO. 11 (see attached document)

Useful Links:
REACH Regulation (official Website of EU):

REACH Implementation projects and IUCLID5:

National REACH helpdesks:

United Kingdom




REACH Industry Preparation Letter

NCC REACHCustomer Information Letter

  • IPC limited
  • NSAI
  • SQAS
  • Responsible care
  • Deloitte Ireland
  • LinkedIn